Sunday, 17 June 2012

WELCOME TO KUSSIE MEDIA                                   

This is your one spot of all the juicy news in the entertaiment industry ...


One of her crazzy outfit she wore in 2011 on the MTV awards that caused a stare to every one including her fellow musicians....

Her responce of why she wore roar meet to the MTV awards.    
"Well, it is certainly no disrespect to anyone that is vegan or vegetarian. As you know, I am the most judgment-free human being on the earth," said Gaga. "However, it has many interpretations but for me this evening. If we don't stand up for what we believe in and if we don't fight for our rights, pretty soon we're going to have as much rights as the meat on our own bones. And, I am not a piece of meat."


Lady Gaga tickets go on sale today June19 at 9am. Online only Seated starts at R315 and standing starts at R715.

Happy Birthday Tata uMbheki

His Memorable speech

I am born of a people who would not tolerate oppression.
I am of a nation that would not allow that fear of death, torture, imprisonment, exile or persecution should result in the perpetuation of injustice.
The great masses who are our mother and father will not permit that the behaviour of the few results in the description of our country and people as barbaric.
Patient because history is on their side, these masses do not despair because today the weather is bad. Nor do they turn triumphalist when, tomorrow, the sun shines.
Whatever the circumstances they have lived through and because of that experience, they are determined to define for themselves who they are and who they should be.
We are assembled here today to mark their victory in acquiring and exercising their right to formulate their own definition of what it means to be African.
The constitution whose adoption we celebrate constitutes and unequivocal statement that we refuse to accept that our Africanness shall be defined by our race, colour, gender of historical origins.
It is a firm assertion made by ourselves that South Africa belongs to all who live in it, black and white.
It gives concrete expression to the sentiment we share as Africans, and will defend to the death, that the people shall govern.
It recognises the fact that the dignity of the individual is both an objective which society must pursue, and is a goal which cannot be separated from the material well-being of that individual.
It seeks to create the situation in which all our people shall be free from fear, including the fear of the oppression of one national group by another, the fear of the disempowerment of one social echelon by another, the fear of the use of state power to deny anybody their fundamental human rights and the fear of tyranny.

Sharon from Generations is coming back on our screen soon....

>>How it feels to be black in South Africa Today<<

Mayibuye I Africa

Reconciliation-It is surprising that the white South Africans are the ones who are mostly talking about forgetting the past and moving forward in order to rebuild the country. They are forgetting that the past is the one that shape the future, if one forgets the past he is very unlikely to be successful in the future because he will repeat the mistakes of the past. It’s true that no one can change the past even God cannot change the past, but we can learn from the past and go forward and we can also rectify the mistakes of the past in order to be able to move forward. Black people were the victims of the very same past which the white people say it must be forgotten, obviously it’s easy for them to say let’s forget the past because they were the beneficiaries of that past. But it’s not easy for the victims to forget the past especially if that past is still causing pain in their lives. And the white man is still enjoying the fruits of what he did to the victims and he is not even willing to share what he took by force from the victim which is the black men. Apartheid beneficiaries have not even show any serious remorse of what they have done from the past, they only emphasize that we must move forward n forget the past, how can we move on as a nation while black people are still in pain, and it’s easy for the white man to say let’s move on because they are not in pain, but they are still enjoying the fruits of apartheid. I doubt that if it was the white people who were the victims of apartheid having suffered in the very same way black people have suffered and they are still suffering that they would be talking about forgetting the past.

Black people were the big losers in the era of apartheid and in fact they lost almost everything like land,life,language,culture,religion,dignity,wealthy,livestock,seed,homes,values,laws,holidays,ceremonies,calendar,food,medication,education and marriages in fact everything about a black man was destroyed by the colonial powers. All this things that were stolen from a black men are still in the hands of the colonial powers the only thing that a black man has been given is a right to vote every five years while remaining poor, landless and homeless. Black men are expected to move forward with their pain and forget all the things that were stolen by the imperialist, while the whites are expected to move forward while enjoying the fruits of what they have done to black people. The imperialist wants to keep on enjoying the things that they stole from black people and that is what the white men called true reconciliation. It can be easy for someone who have killed your parents to say let’s forget the past and look forward to the future, while he himself is still living in the warmth of his parents. Most criminals expect to be easily forgiven without restoring what was stolen from you. If a criminal that has hijacked your car, which you were using to generate income, he come and admit that he hijacked you and then say to you forget the past and he does not give you back your car, will it be easy to forget the past while seeing that criminal enjoying your car and making money out of your car while you are suffering with your children? Obvious it can be easy for the criminal to say let’s forget the past because the past had benefited him but you were robed you of your car and income.

This is the reason most of the white people are saying let’s forget the past and look forward to the future because they have benefited greatly from the past and even today they are still enjoying the fruits of that past, yet black people are still suffering from what happened in the past. White people in South Africa are owning almost 80% of the land yet they are the minority, the majority which is black people are landless and homeless staying in shacks and in places which are not suitable for human occupation. If the white people were the ones who were the victims in their own land like the black people they would be the ones today who are speaking like Malema about taking the land without compensation. After all if someone hijack my car I do not have to compensate that person in order for him to bring back my car otherwise that will be a way of promoting crime, That can lead to criminals hijacking us then come and say we must compensate them in order to get back our cars that will be completely madness even if the hijacker has upgraded your car that does not mean he must be compensated.

This is the same with land even if they have developed that stolen land that does not means they must be compensated. If the white south African can be realistic they can admit that in order for South Africans to have true reconciliation they must first restore what they have stolen from black people and admit that they were wrong when they stole from black people. Compensating people who have stolen from others that will be a way of promoting crime, because in the future other people can also invade other countries and steal their land then demand compensation thereafter. Black people are considered as an inferior race even today because they are poor as a result of colonial powers. They are being segregated even today in many ways. It is not true that black people cannot utilize the land, because black people were utilizing the land producing their own food until they land was stolen from them in order to make the farm workers and slaves. When you travels around Soweto you will find black people utilizing any vacant land to produce food for themselves they even go to school to ask for a piece of land to plant vegetables and that shows that they are hungry to have land of their own. In conclusion we will continue hearing white people talking about forgetting the past and building a rainbow nation without them compensating the damages that they have done in the past because they have benefited a lot with that past, they are where they are because of that past. Even if this generation tries to forget the past but the wounds of the past will continue swelling and paining until they will be a generation that will confront the past in order to rectify the future.

In order to achieve true lasting reconciliation the past must be confronted without any compromise those who have stolen other people’s land must restore that without any compensation even if they have already developed that land because you cannot compensate someone that have stolen from you in order for him to bring back what he has stolen. Compensation will be setting a new dangerous precedent that can cause troubles in the future where people will know that you can steal someone ‘s land then you will need compensation in order to bring that land back to the right owners. IN ORDER TO GO FORWARD LET’S CONFRONT THE PAST AND RACTIFY ALL THE MISTAKES OF THE PAST THAT INCLUDES LAND RESTITUTION.